RoommateFinder - Dashboard
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If your profile is complete and you have logged out and logged back in since last updating it, you'll see all of your matches listed below.
Due to the costliness of recalculating your matches, they will only be updated each time you log out and then log back in.
If you see someone who looks like a good match, reach out to them using the contact information they listed.
Name | Contact | Biography | Match Score | Profile |
Viewing User Profile
This data is purely read-only, so if you make any changes on this page they will not be saved.
Match Listing
This information will be shown to other matches
Basic Demographics
How would you describe yourself socially?
How close would you like to be to your roommate?
What is your intended major?
Housing Preferences
How messy/clean do you intend on keeping the room?
How noisy/quiet would you want your room to be?
How often do you plan to have people over?
How often can you tolerate visitors?
Do you plan to drink?
Do you feel comfortable with a roommate who drinks?
Do you plan to smoke?
Do you feel comfortable with a roommate who smokes?
Do you plan to vape?
Do you feel comfortable with a roommate who vapes?
Do you plan to use weed?
Do you feel comfortable with a roommate who uses weed?
If you plan to play a varsity sport, what is it?
What are your extra-curricular interests?
How important is a roommate who has a similar political ideology to you?
What best describes your political ideology?
What time do you typically get up (within about an hour)?
What time do you typically go to sleep (within about an hour)?